We are very excited about Workplace Wellbeing Day 2017! This is the third year of the event. It is a day which encompasses much of what our ethos at Full Health Medical is about, which is keeping all employees healthy in and out of the workplace.
Keep reading below to see how Full Health Medical are turning Workplace Wellness Day into a Workplace Wellness Week!
FDI (Food and Drink Ireland) run a number of campaigns on the day. The Lunchtime Mile, some discounts thanks to a partnership with Ireland Active and an awards ceremony recognising the health accomplishments of businesses of all sizes. Large and small companies across the country are encouraged to participate in the event, which aims to improve employee health through promoting better nutrition and physical activity.
Many employees spend a third of their day 5 days per week at work, making it an excellent opportunity and location to promote healthy behaviours. Not only is it beneficial for employees who can be facilitated within their work day, it is advantageous for employers who can gain a healthier, more alert workforce.
The European Network for Workplace Health Promotion has defined workplace health promotion as the ''combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work''.
According to the World Health Organisation, there are many benefits of workforce health promotion to the employee and the organisation .
Benefits of Workforce Health Promotion
To the organisation
To the employee
A well managed health and safety programme
A safe and healthy work environment
A positive and caring image
Enhanced self-esteem
Improved staff morale
Reduced stress
Reduced staff turnover
Improved morale
Reduced absenteeism
Increased job satisfaction
Increased productivity
Increased skills for health protection
Reduced health care/insurance costs
Improved health
Reduced risk of fines and litigation
Improved sense of well-being
There are many simple ways in which workplaces can become healthier, as long as it is relevant to that particular workforce. Workplace health initiatives can be as simple as banning biscuits or making sure everyone has taken a sufficient break. They can be as sophisticated as establishing wellness champions within the workforce and running events and competitions. The first thing to do when planning a workplace health initiative is to conduct some form of a needs assessment. If your office only contains 10 people, this can be done in a group discussion or sending an email to look for suggestions. A larger organisation could use a survey, asking employees about their current feelings on their health and what suggestions they may have to improve employee health.
Health checks can determine the physical and mental wellbeing of employees in a professional medical setting, with individual reports giving employees the reigns to their own health and aggregated group reports giving the employer a detailed overview of their workforce. Basing workplace health promotion initiatives on solid data plus the input of employees is a strategy for success. After that, it’s about finding what works for you!
This week, in the spirit of Workplace Wellbeing Day, we will be pushing out some information on the blog of our website www.fullhealthmedical.com on how you can keep yourself and/or your colleagues healthy. We will be outlining some once off events and some smaller lifestyle changes which we hope you will develop into healthy habits. Keep an eye on our blog and social media to gain some helpful health information!
If you need some help deciding on what kind of workplace health promoting initiatives are right for you and your organisation, contact Full Health Medical to talk to one of our support team.
We are turning Workplace Wellbeing Day into Workplace Wellbeing Week at Full Health Medical! For all of this week, we are offering FREE CONSULTATIONS to employers and HR managers who want to improve the health status of their workforce. Email us on wellness@fullhealthmedical.com and one of our experts will arrange a virtual meeting a time which is convenient for you!
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