Full Health Medical calls for new approach to address unsustainable absenteeism rates and support employee wellness
Internal government
documents have recently revealed that the cost of sick leave in the public
sector is “unsustainable” and is costing the State about €430 million.
Private businesses
in Ireland are also severely impacted; a study by employers group IBEC in 2010
revealed that a total of 11 million days are lost to absence each year, costing
these businesses as much as €1.5 billion per annum, equating to €818 per
So what can be done
to address these issues? Paul McCarthy,
CEO of Full Health Medical, an award-winning preventative health management company,
believes that the answer lies in employee education and programmes which
support employee wellness. “Research by the Department of Health in the UK
revealed that for every £1 spent on wellness programmes, there was an average
return on investment of £3.73, including a 34% saving in absenteeism costs”,
said Mr. McCarthy, who went on to note that other advantages of these
programmes include improved on-the-job decision making and time management,
improvement of workforce morale, and reduction in employee turnover.
Mr. McCarthy
believes that the first steps in reducing absenteesism need to be centred
around employee education; “if employees don’t understand their current health
status, then how are they expected to be proactive in improving it? These days
people are constantly being given mixed messages about diet, exercise and other
aspects of their health, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to
decipher what is best for them individually”.
So should
all employees get health screening? Mr. McCarthy admits that there are
certainly issues around mass screening, as evidenced by the controversy
currently surrounding the NHS Health Check Programme, which targets adults in England between the
ages of 40 and 74 with a free health screening every five years. “The reality
is that mass, unfiltered screening would simply result in unnecessary workload
for an already stretched health service, and in particular would result in an
impossible extra burden being placed on GPs. However, there is an argument for
targeted screening and, more importantly, education for employees who are
missing work on a regular basis. Using targeted screening and education as the
first step in a programme of health improvement would benefit both the employee
and the business.”
One area in particular where Mr.
McCarthy believes significant improvements could be made is within the health
service itself. “Sick leave cost the Health Service Executive €223
million in 2012 alone. It is clear that traditional efforts to reduce
absenteeism have failed to make any impact on the problem, and perhaps it is
time for the HSE to consider targeted health screening and corporate wellness
programmes for its employees and, in doing so, for the HSE to point the way for
other employers in Ireland by taking a proactive approach to addressing these
problems. Just think of what could be achieved in other areas if even a
fraction of this €223 million could be better spent in other areas of the
health service”.